Minor Hockey Moments

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Most stinky sport in the world?

Pros and major junior teams don't have to hold their noses.
Stench, it seems, is the bailiwick of minor hockey. Not novices, not peewees. But when the kids hit bantam, it starts to ramp up until reaching a zenith of gag in midget.
Strangely, only parents and passersby notice the scent. Teenage players are either immune or embrace it as part of their bravado.
Moving gear from the basement to the garage helps at home. But once 18 teens unzip their bags in tiny, non-vented changerooms - watch out.
At a tournament on the weekend, my son's team prompted a critique from a passing referee. Lucky they didn't start the game with a gross misconduct for aroma.
I've tried many things over the years, from expensive commercial treatments to lots of Febreze.
The starting point is to dry it out properly, but that's a tough task during tournaments.
Beyond that, the cheapest and most effective method is simply to wash the gear at home frequently. Velcro fasteners might be a little worse for wear, but that's what tape is for.

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