Minor Hockey Moments

Saturday, May 28, 2011

Sometimes, being a tough hockey player is wrong

Present day hockey fans know Bill Masterton as the name of a trophy for the NHL player showing dedication to hockey.
But those of us of a certain age remember Masterton's true life storyline. How he tried to crack the NHL when it had only six teams, gave up and started a successful career and family only to return to the game in his late 20s when expansion doubled the number of NHL teams to 12.
Masterton landed a spot with the Minnesota North Stars, where he became the only NHL player to ever die as a result of playing.
Now, a Toronto Star investigation reveals the full story of what happened in 1968 and how, by today's standards, having Masterton on the ice was foolhardy and dangerous as he was playing with an untreated concussion. When he suffered a second hit to the head, it was fatal.
I recommend the story, especially for parents who have to hold back kids champing at the bit to play when they are hurt.

TheStar Star investigation: What really killed NHL's Bill Masterton

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