Minor Hockey Moments

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Blog's a month old

The one-month anniversary of Wayne's World of Minor Hockey is here. I've spread the word - as have my friends - and teased page views through my Twitter account (WayneWriteOn), Linkedin and Facebook.
Unfortunately, I couldn't convince our home association, West London Minor Hockey Association, or even our team's website (Art's super busy making Chevy Equinoxes at Cami) to add my blog to their list of interesting links. But I am listed on the Sun Media alumni blog and that's where I receive the largest block of referrals.
I've had page views from most hockey-playing nations, including Russia and Germany, along with several from non-hockey places such as Singapore and Argentina.
I'd love to have your feedback. Just click on Comment and type.

1 comment:

  1. I think it is a very refreshing look at the reality of hockey. Once your kids start playing it does tend to effect you from many directions. A true slice of Canadian life for the hockey parent. Well done. You should write a book! Hope to see things continue.


Scream at the ref by leaving your comments here. But remember, the kids are listening and learning.