Minor Hockey Moments

Sunday, November 14, 2010

Canadian women win Four Nations Cup

This is from a Facebook friend attending the Four Nations Cup in St. John, NL.

"I had goosebumps after the winning goal was scored and as the national anthem was played while Team Canada gathered for their team picture. I don't care what anyone says about women's hockey being a two-team competition between Canada and USA. It may be now and it may be for a few more years, but how can other teams improve if they don't have better teams to play against? What would be the incentive to improve? I can tell you that the Fins are much better than they were a few years back. And the Swedes are coming along. The Hockey Hall of Fame will have more than two female hockey players inducted in the not-too-distant future. So I say to the critics of national/international female hockey ... GET OVER IT AND MOVE ON!"

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