Minor Hockey Moments

Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Sportsmanship, respect and mouthguards

Dubious about mouthguards? I've always been a strong proponent and now, maybe, a veteran minor hockey player from West London is, too.
Mouthguards, which incredibly are not mandatory in all kids' leagues, are important pieces of equipment in lessening the risk of concussions or trauma to the teeth and jaw.
Just ask one player from West London.
Playing the game without a mouthguard (he said he asked his father to buy a new one for the game, but his dad forgot) against the rough and rule-bending  Brantford 99ers, one could almost sense something would go wrong.
And so it did.
A rush to the net ended with a vicious (and unpenalized) elbow to the jaw.
A broken tooth. A sprained jaw. Two trips to the dentist. It might've been avoided with a mouthguard. It definitely would have been avoided if Brantford Minor Hockey Association coaches could teach their players about sportsmanship and respect.
Here's the Minor Hockey Alliance of Ontario link that should be bookmarked in Brantford: http://www.alliancehockey.com/page.asp?id=41

1 comment:

Scream at the ref by leaving your comments here. But remember, the kids are listening and learning.