Minor Hockey Moments

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Keep a tight grip on trophies

I always expect minor hockey kids to drop and smash a trophy by accident after winning a tournament or championship. Never expected a figure skating star to do it on national TV. Oops. Here's the Battle of the Blades clip, apparently cut for the west coast version of the broadcast. Thanks to Toronto Sun Family blog, which posted this first.


  1. I actually felt chuffed when the Russian pair won the event, one that I watch faithfully for the 8 or so weeks. Technically, they were superb, but emotionally, they skated with that typical Russian wooden expression. Shae Lynn Bourne and her hockey guy were stupendously pleasing, personable, had by far the best choreography and best entertainment/performance value. They were robbed! And probably would not have smashed the trophy!!

  2. Chuffed? What the heck is chuffed? Aw, just drop it.


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